HVAC Companies Keeping Ahead of the Competition
How are they still out there killing it during these STRANGE TIMES?! Well for one, everyone needs their HVAC working so that helps. But not all HVAC companies are receiving new clients regularly right now.
What these guys are doing is paying attention to their websites and SEO and it’s paying off. They are seeing a steady stream of traffic to their websites which directly impacts their bottom line. One client told me how he felt like they had a handle on their website so they put their SEO on hold. Within two months, he noticed a huge downtick in traffic so he brought back the SEO work!
See: Atlanta Photographer
I’m working with an amazing web designer and SEO expert, Karma Marketing + Media, providing updated photos for their websites. We are removing stock photos and replacing them with photos that clients will immediately connect with. When a potential client from Florida, for instance (my client below), is seeking help with their AC and they see photos of a worker on a rooftop near the beach where they frequent, they’re more likely to feel a more emotional connection with that company.
Be real with your clients. Show them who you are, what you do, what your team looks like and feature your logo and truck designs. The more they see, the quicker they will identify your truck as it goes by, or your logo online as they do a quick search.